
WRT120 Prof Randall Cream

WRT 120 is the first course in the General Education Writing sequence. Writing is a cornerstone of thought. We write to express thought, to develop thought, to experience and understand our own thoughts. This course will help you to develop a more purposeful connection between writing and thinking through practice and reflection, developing skills in reading, writing, and thinking critically. As the first course in the Composition sequence, the focus in this class lies in the use of critical reading to develop interpretive analysis—thesis and explication —through writing. 

Our course this term will use the theme of 21st Century Higher Education to focus our efforts at using writing to think critically.  We’ll read materials that investigate the work of learning in higher ed, and think about the classes, teachers, subjects, and modes of learning offered.  I’ll expect you to spend significant out of class time reading and thinking and writing, in order to develop and articulate your own perspective, and to share that perspective with your peers.  We’ll use the web extensively—your regular informed participation is required. You’ll write three composition pieces (writing projects) around this central theme, with some difference in forms or genres. Along the way, you’ll share in the process of reflection and revision in class each week and online.  Welcome!

this website version of our syllabus is the most up-to-date, but you can also download a printable copy here
