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Isabella DeSario – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Discussion Group #4

Who Attended: Adam, Amanda, Isabella, Laura, Mia

Social media is nothing more than websites and applications that enable users to create and share content with the outside world. Social media has become very prevalent in our society and has taken over ways we communicate as well as how we present ourselves to the outside world. There are individuals who use the platform as a way to emphasize and promote their lives. There are even those who base their entire lives and self worth based on their response to social media accounts. It becomes their daily life as well as impacting their reputations. A person becomes more dependent on their praise and admiration from others based on documenting their activities, their whereabouts and edited versions of themselves to the outside world. It takes away the reality of having meaningful and interpersonal relationships, and makes us less concerned.

Discussion #1

Isabella DeSario, Abbey Johnson, Sami Kahr, Nick Nolan, Dana Roder

In our group discussion, we believe that teachers can learn from students just as much as students learn from them. Teachers learn from their students almost everyday. The group agreed all that needs to be done is open communication and discussions during class. Some teachers even get picked on by their students, in that case it is their responsibility to remain professional, respectful, and optimistic about the situation. Teachers also are taught that students are not the only ones that need to pay attention. Students teach teachers patience. For an example, each student may need something different from a teacher to learn. Some students may be more of a visual learner while the other students relate to personal experiences. Teachers have to become creative and change around their teaching for students. Some teachers will refuse to believe the idea that they learn from students, but they have a lot to learn from their students. Students provide trending topics they may not know or even a fact they learned at home.

Discussion #1

Isabella DeSario, Abbey Johnson, Sami Kakar, Nick Nolan, Dana Roeder, Leah Schreffler

In our group discussion, we agreed on the idea that students memorize information rather than learning it. Many students that study for a test try to cram all of the information in by memorizing it. A few days later, that information is forgotten because there was no active learning process in retaining the information. Memorization has become a huge part of our education. I agree with Freire, that “Education thus becomes an act of depositing, in which the students are the depositors and the teacher is the depositor.” I think it would be more beneficial to students if teachers let their students experience the lesson rather than just listening. Students just read out of the textbook and memorize instead of understanding and taking in the material. Teachers need to be creative in ways to get the students to learn the material. Guest speakers and field trips are two examples of effective ways to teach students in a real-life learning experience, so that they can see the information applied to real life rather than memorizing a text book alone.
