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Mia Citerone – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Final Discussion

Topic: We will be discussing how these discussion groups helped us this semester as well as the pros and cons and what can be done to improve them.

Location: Inside Lawrence at the tables next to Einsteins.

Time and date: Thursday @ 3:30

Amandas team long draft review copied

Mia Positive- I think its good that you have an example of an actual class here at WCU and how it does not reflect the author’s ideas. In the sentence before I would change “That” to “Where” teachers teach.

Mia Constructive- Sometimes less is more in terms of sentence structure. I feel like there are a couple run-on sentences and repetitive sentences that when corrected can make your writing flow more. 

Mia Percy- I think you have strong quotes from the text for all of your points that back them up very well.  

Emily Positive- I can really connect to your writing being a student here at WCU. I feel like all of your points are valid and make sense coming from a student.  

Emily Constructive- In your third paragraph I think it would be a good idea to end with a sentence that sums up the overall idea/ point of that paragraph to sum things up.  

Emily Percy- All of your quotes strongly support your points and they are all cited properly and placed within a sentence. In your second paragraph I would try to expand on the quote after it is cited.

Long draft review copied-haley myers

Mia Positive- I think you have a strong thesis and intro paragraph that clearly highlights your points and gives good insight on the rest of your paper. 
Mia Constructive- Sometimes less is more in terms of sentence structure. I feel like there are a couple run-on sentences and repetitive sentences that when corrected can make your writing flow more. 

Mia Percy- I think you have strong quotes from the text for all of your points that back them up very well.  

Emily Positive- I can really connect to your writing being a student here at WCU. I feel like all of your points are valid and make sense coming from a student.  
Emily Constructive- In your third paragraph I think it would be a good idea to end with a sentence that sums up the overall idea/ point of that paragraph to sum things up.  

Emily Percy- All of your quotes strongly support your points and they are all cited properly and placed within a sentence. In your second paragraph I would try to expand on the quote after it is cited.

Haley Myers Long Draft Review

Mia Positive- I think you have a strong thesis and intro paragraph that clearly highlights your points and gives good insight on the rest of your paper. 

Mia Constructive- Sometimes less is more in terms of sentence structure. I feel like there are a couple run-on sentences and repetitive sentences that when corrected can make your writing flow more. 

Mia Percy- I think you have strong quotes from the text for all of your points that back them up very well.  

Emily Positive- I can really connect to your writing being a student here at WCU. I feel like all of your points are valid and make sense coming from a student.  

Emily Constructive- In your third paragraph I think it would be a good idea to end with a sentence that sums up the overall idea/ point of that paragraph to sum things up.  

Emily Percy- All of your quotes strongly support your points and they are all cited properly and placed within a sentence. In your second paragraph I would try to expand on the quote after it is cited.

Amandas Team Long Draft Review

Mia Positive- I think its good that you have an example of an actual class here at WCU and how it does not reflect the author’s ideas. In the sentence before I would change “That” to “Where” teachers teach.

Mia Constructive- In your second paragraph, I would try to expand on the idea. Maybe add a quote from the text of one of the authors to back up the idea of trial and error.  

Mia Percy- In the second paragraph, explain how it will benefit the students at West Chester based on Percy’s views 

Emily Positive- I think you have a strong fourth paragraph. Randall tells us to place our points within the essay from strongest to weakest and I would put that one first. (The one with teachers creating activities based on students teaching students the information) 

Emily Constructive- When putting a quote in your text, it is not good to start out with just the quote as you did in paragraph number 4. For example your quote in your third paragraph starts with , “A quote from Percy states,” but in the fourth paragraph it starts out with just the quote.  

Emily Percy- In your introduction, you have a class that does not follow the author’s views on teaching. If there is one or an example of one, talk about a class that does follow their views and why it is better for education.

Response to Julias Discussion

Ava H, Julia D, Emily F, Mia C

In this discussion group we talked about how Percy explains that ” The educator cannot save learning.” The teacher cannot really teach anything, it is up to the student themselves. Freire said, “No one teaches another,” which intertwines with what Percy thinks about education. Everyones education depends on themselves, not others or the teachers or professors. Percy and Freires views are very similar. Percy talks about no matter what type of classroom it is, students have to be engaged in what they are learning, or they will not learn at all. I think that learning is in the experience of what you make it. We all agreed that most of the time it is not the educators fault for a students failure within a class. As a professor, you can not force a student to show up to class, engage in discussion, be diligent with they work, etc. That is all up to the student. A class is what you make of it, no matter how good, bad, easy or hard an educator is, it will always fall back on the student to determine how successful they will be.

Response to Amanda

Laura, Adam, Amanda, Isabella, Mia

Can social media effect your reputation? At this discussion we talked about how social media effects us mentally, physically, and emotionally as well as how it effects our experiences through life. Instead of admiring the moment, we have the first instinct to take out our phones and capture it that way. This distracts us from really living any of the experience. It was agreed upon in the discussion that our phones/ cameras is not as good as living the mental and physical experience in the moment. We all said we may miss some of the moment while focusing on our phones. They are distracting and cause more harm than good in many ways. Social media effects many things. We are all worried about our post, how many likes it gets, and what others think of it that it may cause our social media accounts to be a false representation of who we really are and instead portrays what we want others to think we are. We also discussed that it is ironic that the term social media doesn’t actually require socializing. It is because of this that we all adapted into people who find it harder to keep up a conversation than send a text message. Social media essentially made us anti-social.. Walker Percy had talked about how the experience gets influenced by the media and I agree that it does as well.

Response to Bellas discussion 3

Group Members: Mia, Emily, Maura, Gwen, Julia, Bella (Leader), John, Amanda, Ava, Amanda, David H, Ethan, Liv

During this weeks discussion, we talked about how nobody teaches another and nobody teaches themselves. This relates back to Freire’s banking concept of education. We learn by teaching other people , but they do not learn by listening to us because people do not learn from listening, they learn from experiences. We learn more by trying to teach or explain something to somebody. It may make sense to the person explaining, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the listener will learn from that. They may retain the information and process what someone s trying to teach, but they may have a different point of view and develop a whole new concept.

“You can’t give someone a shit sandwich” You can’t learn from being taught, but you can learn from teaching other people.

Communicating will help someone learn. Everyone processes and learns differently. For example, I did not understand what this discussion was about completely until we all talked about it. Everyone gave a piece of what they thought Freire was trying to say and developed an understanding by conferring and making up my own view of this topic. Nobody fully understood the what this discussion was about until we further talked about it. Thus, learning from ourselves explaining to each other.

Response to Jakes post

Mia C, Emily F, Makayla M, Julia D, Jake H, Michael L, Gwen J, Julianna B, Maura K

In our discussion we talked about what makes a good or bad teacher. There are many qualities that can determine a good or bad teacher. I think a good teacher will get to learn and understand his or her students. Everyone learns and comprehends things differently. If they are a visual learner, auditory learner, etc, the student and teacher success will most likely be much greater if that is communicated so adaptions can be made to fit everyones needs. Freire states that, “The teacher chooses the program content, and the students (who weren’t consulted) adapt to it,” which tends to be the case in most situations. Failure to adapt to a certain teaching style doesn’t have to mean that the student isn’t smart, it could mean that they simply cannot adjust to the teaching style.

Another thing that can draw the line between a great and terrible teacher is how they do their job. I’ve had classes where I had to teach myself the content due to laziness . They should try to engage students and make them understand what they are learning instead of having them memorize their powerpoint. Freire explains this when he says, “The teacher talks and the students listen-meekly,” which is exactly what happens in my opinion. They become part of a routine of memorize the content, take the test, and forget about it the second they hand it in.

Why Freire refers Students Trash Receptacles

In this discussion, we will talk about why Freire refers to us students as trash cans when it comes to learning and retaining information. Think about how the education system could be changed and how you can relate to feeling like a trash receptacle in school.

Topic: Education

Location: Tables in front of University Hall

Date and Time: Sunday September 8, 2019 at 2 pm
