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Sami Kakar – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Luke Jarvis

Sami K., Lauren B., Luke J.

In this group discussion we talked about how the similar events to that in the grand canyon. We came related it to the British taking over the Native Americans. The land that they took over is the land we call home today and we can never give back to the Native Americans what we took from them. No amount of money or anything could be enough reparation to the countless lives and land we took from them. The only way one can fully see the beauty of America is without knowing the prior events withe the natives. However since most of the kids growing up in America learn about the Natives they can only imagine the beauty that the Natives left and how ugly he land is covered with their blood.

Week 2 Discussion Group

Freire said ” Education must begin with the solution of the teacher-student contradiction, by reconciling the poles of the contradiction so that both are simultaneously teachers and students”. Do you believe that teachers can learn just as much from students as the students learn from them? Why or why not?

Thursday Sept. 12th, 2019

In the patio outside Lawrence @ 2pm (if it rains go inside in the seating area)

Response to “Paulo Freire Discussion”

Sami Kakar, Nick Nolan, Abbey Johnson, Isabella DeSario, Dana Roeder, Leah Schreffler

In our discussion we all shared a similar view on how students are being taught in today’s classrooms. Thus we all agreed with Freire and believe teachers should let students have more hands on assignments. My psychology teacher in high school would always tie in a funny story with all of his lessons. Although they were funny his stories still helped a lot of students remember the information he taught us. There are a plethora of ways teachers can be creative in their lessons instead of teaching like an AI. We also discussed some alternative things teachers could put in their lessons including field trips, videos, special guests, etc. We’ve all experienced teachers that taught like this in our high school. We know first hand how this impacts students and the way they learn. We need to modernize our education system with the rest of the world. Sometimes students need to go outside of the classroom to understand whats being taught inside.
