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Response To Riley – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response To Riley

Group: Riley, Jake H, Nick, Tyler

Riley lead an interesting discussion on Friday regarding if students are just robots who follow their teachers and what they say without learning basically. I found her question to be true to a certain extent. I believe the student is a direct representation of the teacher. If the teacher takes the time to know their students and get on a level where they can actually engage the thought and learning process that works for that student, then I feel like they will be successful. However, when the teacher just lectures to the class and follows the schedule to a “T”, then I feel like its more the student trying to keep up by memorizing information and then after a paper or exam, they forget it all. This method may work for some teachers and students but it surely does not apply to most and certainly not me. I feel teachers who know their students and students that know how to engage learning from their teacher’s learning will be a lot more successful and actually retain information. So in total the four of us that met came to the same conclusion and I truly believe it to be so.

Author: Jacob Heikkinen

10:00 AM
