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PEER REVIEW LONG DRAFT: Olivia Vearling – Weekly Writing & Blogs



Makayla: The second and third paragraphs are super in depth and well understood by a reader.

Maura: The first body paragraph is super strong and really offers a lot to the rest of the essay.

Gwen: You have a super good connection between WCU and your claim consistently throughout the essay.


Makayla: Try to include Percy in your introduction.

Maura: It might be beneficial to try to add some more to the intro about the specifics of your claim.

Gwen: Maybe try to add more about Percy to the last paragraph and include some quotes.


Makayla: The connection to Percy in the third paragraph really helps connect the quote to your claim.

Maura: Add some more about Percy, especially quotes, to strengthen to connection to Percy.

Gwen: This is good support to your quote and claim but it’s difficult to connect to Percy with just one mention of him.

Author: Gwendolyn Jordan

9:00 AM
