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Respnose to Meghan Kidd – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Respnose to Meghan Kidd

Group: Samantha, Meghan

In our discussion group we talked and compared Percy to Freire and how both have different perspectives on learning. We stated how Percy wants us to learn outside the classroom and how Freire explains the interaction of students, teachers and the learning process. As Percy references, he wants us to learn outside the classroom, learning from experiences and taking things in while in the moment. Learning to take a moment to regroup to remember what you learned is an important process because realizing it is very important because you can get mixed up in your learning process and misunderstand everything your learning.  As Freire references, he wants us to learn in the classroom through teachings. Through both of these people, all of us in the group realize that we can learn from different ways depending on every person, but as students we don’t always realize the different ways to learn. These two writers help us realize how many different ways there are to learn in life.

Author: Michael Tresoikas

9:00 AM
