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Response for Memorization Group – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response for Memorization Group

In today’s discussion group, we talked about memorization and its benefits to students, as well as its disadvantages. The question at hand was “in high school or college, do you feel as though you are being taught or only being taught to memorize?”.

We came to the conclusion that we were taught to memorize in high school more than college. In high school, we were forced to be there and felt like teachers only taught us what we needed to know and memorize in order to get good grades and graduate. Basically, we were just “getting through it”. We also agreed that once we learned what we needed to for tests, it was all forgotten after because we only memorized it, and did not fully understand what it was that we were learning. In college, it’s different because students want to pursue a further education and be successful, so the information they learn isn’t just memorized, it’s retained for much longer.

However, memorization does have its advantages. In certain careers such as nursing and medicine, you will need to have a good memorization of anatomy and how to do certain procedures. Memorizing can also help you get good grades, whether you choose to retain that information after the fact or not. On the other hand, memorization can have its disadvantages because it doesn’t teach us how to study properly. If we just memorize everything, we tend to forget it after, so it’s like we never really learned anything at all.

Members: Ava H, Rj W, Sam W, Tj F, Lauren B, Katherine S

Author: Kira Aves

10:00 AM
