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Response to Brandon Zahal – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Brandon Zahal

By Seamus Corkery

Group Members- Cait Mangini, David Macmullen, Sam Livorno, Hailey Clark, Brandon Zahal, Sarah Veneziale, Gabe, Sam Weitzel, Amanda, Kathryn

For this discussion group we discussed Freire’s ideologies about how people learn. Freire’s ideology about how people learn is that people cannot be taught by someone else, but they cannot be self-taught. This is a tricky point because it seems contradictory, but it’s not. He’s saying that to be taught you must go to someone else and learn from what you tell the person even if they don’t give you an answer. Our group personally disagreed with Freire because we felt that he contradicted himself when explaining how we as students learn. I personally felt that you can learn from others and yourself but I think you you learn through his ideology. Overall we felt that the way that students learn is specific to the student. All students learn differently and some students learn more than other students depending on how they’re learning. To conclude, we feel that students should learn whatever way works best for them.

Author: Seamus Corkery

