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Response to Haley Myers – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Haley Myers

Group Members: Jeff, Me

In our discussion group we talked about how learning is a concept that requires a minimum of 2 people and communication must be involved. According to Freire, in order to learn effectively there must be interaction between everyone involved. The topics discussed must be real world topics that all people can relate to and understand. We also discussed how learning is more effective when you talk and explain the topic rather than sitting and listening to someone lecture on a topic. Listening to a lecture does not allow a student to relate it to real life or express creativity. There is no “student” or “teacher” because each person is talking and teaching the other person something. We discussed how learning is “doing,” being interactive in the learning process is most effective. From this discussion, I learned that learning is social and it is important to be involved and vocal in the learning process. If you talk and meet new people you will learn more and learn new perspectives on different topics.

Author: Sabrina Lindley

10:00 AM
