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Response to Jakes Post – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Jakes Post

Group: Michael Lindholn, Emily Foley, Makayla Medycki, Mia Citerane, Jake Heikkinen, Gwen Jordan, Julianna Benstein, Maura Kelly

  • In my discussion group we talked about how the difference between a good teacher and a bad teacher and referring that to Paulo Freire’s “The Banking Concept of Education“. We came up with the ideas that the connections students have with their teachers helps them want to learn in the class. Teachers who engage their students and focus on learning rather than lecturing help the student succeed. A bad teacher is one who ignores a students personal problems and requests. Some teachers dont treat students like humans and seem to not care because to them its just their job. We related this to Freire when he states that teachers are only there to do their job and how they focus on memorization more than the actual learning ability of a student. Freire also states that the teacher talks and the students listen which is an example of a bad teacher based on our discussion. In the end we agreed that we think teachers should enjoy teaching and want to see students succeed rather than it just being their job title.

Author: Julia DiGiorgio

9:00 AM
