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Response to Mackenzie Neiderer – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Mackenzie Neiderer

Discussion Participants: Isabella Bedore, Mackenzie Neiderer, Adam Griffin, Jenna Schreiber, Josh Rogers, Luke Jarvis, Emily Foley 

In our group discussion, we focused on the fact that school is solely based on memorization instead of learning how to use the information for reality. School ‘s care about their reputation and want their students to have good grades for a push for more funding for example, schools want their rankings to look good for standardized tests. This domino affects its way down to the teachers because they care about their outlook as a teacher essentially just showering the students with information with no context of how to apply that information. We also discussed how high school has become a competition for memorization in which teachers want you to become a better student rather than a learner. For example, in AP classes you can get an A in the course but when it comes to the AP test many students bomb the test. This further supports the notion that teachers teach how to be a better student rather than a student who actually uses and learns from the knowledge the teachers provide. The difference between a student and a learner is that a student studies to do good on a test in comparison to a learner who studies to get a better understanding and knowledge. At the end of the discussion, we talked about how the teacher is not to blame for this since they were taught like this. 

Author: Adam Griffin

9:00 AM
