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Response to Mackenzie Neiderer – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Mackenzie Neiderer

Group members: Isabella Bedore, Mackenzie Neiderer, Adam Griffin, Jenna Schreiber, Josh Rogers, Luke Jarvis, Emily Foley 

In our discussion, we talked about the concept of memorization. In today’s society teachers want students to be able to regurgitate everything that comes out of their mouths. It follows the notion that Freire mentioned that teachers know everything and students know nothing. In today’s education system students are so constrained due to the classes they are forced to take. Students have little to no freedom to take courses that will help aid them in their future. We are thrown into college, forced to pick a major, and forced to learn how to actually learn. The misguided system called education only cares about two things: money and grades. We are taught that standardized testing is so important to your education career. When in reality, teachers want you to reciprocate the information on the tests to get good scores to be able to gain money for the school. Students are so worried about their grades but never remember anything they learned to get these good grades. We are so focused on our grades rather than actually learning. The students with the highest grades are better at memorization than other students. Education is a competition and sadly this is why the education system fails students.

Author: Jenna Schreiber

10:00 AM
