Group members:
Kyle Owens, Bella B, Jake D, Kenzie Neiderer, Jason Gabby, Shawn, Jenna, Sabrina, Cristian Galilea, David Heffron, Joshua Rogers, Muhammad Rabi, Jake Heikkinen, Sean Redding, Tyler E, Nick,Timothy Domanowski, Sam Livorno
Our discussion group had a huge outcome. In our discussion, we talked about taking short cuts or the most beaten path and why they might not be useful. We talked about by sometimes taking short cuts we actually add more work for ourselves in the end. When people take shorts cuts, they lack the full experience and understanding of learning. They want it over fast and easy, completely ignoring the longer path. We also talked about how memorization is a short cut. By memorizing topics it may make it easier for yourself at the time, but you really make it harder in the long run. Shorts cuts such as memorization may be beneficial at the time but if you’re asked to recall the subject later in life, you probably will not remember it. In the end, memorization eats up time and requires no real thinking. Forcing the student to not experience the full learning experinece.