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Response to Shawn – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Shawn

Kyle Owens, Bella B, Jake D, Kenzie Neiderer, Jason, Gabby, Shawn, Jenna, Sabrina, Cristian Galilea, David Heffron, Joshua Rogers, Muhammad Rabi, Jake Heikkinen, Sean Redding, Tyler E, Nick,Timothy Domanowski, Sam Livorno

In our discussion on Friday, we talked about the shortcuts in life that we tend to take. Taking the easier route always sounds like a better option, but at times can be a very problematic decision in the end. For instance, I tend to rely heavily on a website called symbolab, which solves problems for my math class. This website should be utilized by me in order to help as a complimentary role that can be used as a way to check my answers, rather than solving them for me. When teachers teach, they tend to use powerpoint a lot. Powerpoints filled with long arrays of information are easier for the teacher, but very difficult for students taking notes when the teacher goes by the slides in a very quick manner. Shortcuts are rarely effective, and a large proportion of the time lowers the standard of quality of the finished product. We all agreed that in the end, when shortcuts are taken by teachers or professors there is no room for creativity and it can hurt the students in their performances.

Author: Jake Drap

10:00 AM
