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Writing Project 1 – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Writing Project 1

Topic: 1 

Team: John  


Re-shaping the spaces of education at West Chester University would allow for a change of scenery. If the buildings on campus were rearranged, the students would do things a lot differently. Also, most students learn better in a classroom setting, compared to a lecture hall setting. If the lecture halls were all broken down into classrooms, the students would be more engaged in the learning activities that they are partaking in.  


“It is not surprising that the banking concept of education regards men as adaptable, manageable beings. The more students work at storing deposits entrusted to them, the less they develop the critical consciousness which would result from their intervention in the world as transformers of that world. The more completely they accept the passive role imposed on them, the more they tend simply to adapt to the world as it is and to the fragmented view of reality deposited in them” (Freire 2). 

“Students, as they are increasingly posed with problems relating to themselves in the world and with the world, will feel increasingly challenged and obliged to respond to that challenge” (Freire 4). 

Author: John Camperson

9:00 AM

2 thoughts on “Writing Project 1”

  1. Positive: Your thesis was very well thought out! I also agree with your idea and think it could be very beneficial for the students here at WCU.

    Constructive: You might have planned to talk about this in the body of your essay, but maybe consider proposing how the buildings should be re-arranged. Would classes for similar majors be grouped in one area or would it be more spread out still?

  2. Positive: Thesis statement is strong and I agree with idea of breaking lecture halls into classrooms. The quotes that you selected go very well with the thesis especially the second one.

    Constructive: Maybe talk about the professors how they could improve the learning space and that they should appreciate student’s talent.

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