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Writing Project Proposal Topic #4 – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Writing Project Proposal Topic #4

Topic #4 Course-based learning

Team: Jake Heikkinen

Thesis: Freire talks about the need to break away from the typical forms of teaching or the “Banking Concept” of education. This can be done by the students and ultimately for the betterment of each and every student by changing the way classes are taught. In Criminal Justice, there needs to be much less power points, lectures, and memorization of laws. Professors need to draw into the students interests by day to day examples of crimes, court cases, laws, and then ultimately open up for discussion to better the students understanding.


‘The capability of banking education to minimize or annul the students’ creative power and to stimulate their credulity
serves the interests of the oppressors, who care neither to have the world revealed nor to see it transformed. ” Page. 2

“Through dialogue, the
teacher-of-the-students and the students-of-the-teacher cease to exist and a new term emerges: teacher-student with
students-teachers. The teacher is no longer merely the-one-who-teaches, but one who is himself taught in dialogue with
the students, who in turn while being taught also teach. They become jointly responsible for a process in which all grow.” Page. 4

Author: Jacob Heikkinen

10:00 AM

One thought on “Writing Project Proposal Topic #4”

  1. I think you have a solid foundation for your thesis. Education has created a focal point on the memorization of things. I truly think students could have much better learning experiences if we changed the way of the education system. Your first quote is a strong statement and will require you to have good support. Your second quote is also very good. I would make sure you have a lot of ways to explain each quote. Overall, looks to be a good outlook for your paper.

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