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Writing Project Proposal – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Writing Project Proposal

Topic Proposal #1

Team: Sabrina Lindley  

Thesis: The space of education at West Chester University would benefit from making classrooms a more collaborative atmosphere by changing the formation of classroom equipment to allow students and teachers to share in the learning process and work with each other to express their creativity. 


“This is the “banking” concept of education, in which the scope of action allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing, and storing the deposits. They do, it is true, have the opportunity to become collectors or cataloguers of the things they store. But in the last analysis, it is the people themselves who are filed away through the lack of creativity, transformation, and knowledge in this (at best) misguided system.”

The teacher’s task is to organize a process which already occurs spontaneously, to “fill” the students by making deposits of information which he or she considers to constitute true knowledge. And since people “receive” the world as passive entities, education should make them more passive still, and adapt them to the world. The educated individual is the adapted person, because she or he is better “fit” for the world. Translated into practice, this concept is well suited to the purposes of the oppressors, whose tranquility rests on how well people fit the world the oppressors have created, and how little they question it.”

Author: Sabrina Lindley

10:00 AM
