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Samantha Pawluczyk – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Meghan K

Participants: Meghan and I

In this mornings discussion group, Meghan and I talked about how the past semester has gone and what we learned from Percy and Friere. We discussed the different teaching styles we went over and how effective they are. We also talked about the different project topics and what we learned from them. Seeing as Meghan and I worked together for both projects, we compared idea while working on our projects and what teaching styles could be most effective to students success. In our last project, we combined different ways of indirect teaching styles like student-led classes and fieldwork experience. By doing this, we learned a lot about how important it is for professors to really do the method that is proven most effective for the given major.

Response to Meghan

Members: Meghan and Mike

In today’s discussion group, we talked about the comparison between Friere and Percy. When we refer back to Friere, we recalled how he talked about the process of learning and how students and teachers interact within the classroom. He often talked about the position of students and how they are to sit in a class and listen to their teachers and absorb all the information. The role of a teacher is to talk to their students without hearing their side of the discussion. We broke that up and said how class should be a discussion between students and teachers and how either group can learn from one another throughout different experiences. Percy talks about living in the moment and what you can learn outside of the classroom. We talked about how easy it is to get caught up in the details and forget to step back and really look at what is right in front of us. These two writers help to open our minds into looking at a new perspective of life.

Response to Meghan

In this week discussion, Meghan and I discussed how it’s possible to not always live/be in the moment 100% of the time. As a society we tend to want to flaunt what we have, where we’ve been, how much we have, and the quality of our lives and possessions. It is so easy to get caught up in that lifestyle but it’s important to take a step back and really look at the bigger picture. If possessions is all that matters to you in life, so many other good things will pass you by without your acknowledgment. If we just live behind a camera or screen in order to convince others we live a perfect life, we aren’t seeing the real picture. Percy talks about how if you take a picture of the Grand Canyon, you get a different result than what you would see if you were standing right in front of it. Applying this to life, when we only focus on a sliver of something, we are not spending that same amount of time an effort to appreciate the whole thing.


Members: Meghan Kidd and Samantha Pawluczyk

Topic: 1

At West Chester University, the campus is divided into two major sections, academic and residential. This style of campus can be very effective as to how students and professors interact and learn from one another. If West Chester was redesigned, adding multipurpose buildings and mandating on campus living for both students and professors would make the overall experience more beneficial.


“The teacher teaches and the students are taught;”

“The teacher chooses and enforces his choice, and the students comply;”

Group 3 Discussion

Leader: Samantha Pawluczyk

Time: Friday Sept 20, 2019 @9am

Location: Quad outside of University Hall

Topic: For this weeks topic, we are going to talk about whether students learn more in classrooms or in real life experiences. We are going to compare the two types of learning and decide which is more beneficial for students. The goal of this topic is to open our minds to seeing how real life experiences can affect how we learn in the classroom.

Response to Bella

Participants- Sam, Gabe, Jenna, Lauren, Luke, Adam, Micheal, Bella, TJ, Brandon, Emily,

In todays discussion group, we discussed how “space” can effect a students education and study skills. We collectively compared pros and cons of West Chester’s campus and how the placement of the buildings can affect how and where students study and work. West Chester has rather small to medium sized classes which can help with 1 on 1 student teacher interactions. This can be helpful to get students more enthusiastic about class and participating. We also discussed the layout of campus and how academic buildings are separate from the housing buildings. The pros of this layout is that buildings of the same purpose are all close to each other. Although, a con to this layout is how far away these buildings are, like the library, from housing buildings. College students tend to study late at night and it’s inconvenient to have to walk that far all the way to the library at those late hours. Therefor, students resort to studying in their rooms or hall lounges.

Response to Meghan K.

Meghan K. and I met up and discussed how students and teachers interact and how they benefit from each other. We discussed the assumption of roles for both students and teachers. This being that teachers are meant to provide information for their student, and students are to memorize this information to then be tested on it. One major point we made was how, nowadays, teachers and students tend to build some sort of relationship in order get along better. Rather than having the teacher talk the entire time, it is more common and effective to have the students also participate in the classroom. If the class dynamic turns into more of a discussion between students and their teacher, it is more likely the students will have a stronger understanding of the class overall.
