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Updated – Weekly Writing & Blogs


Members: Meghan Kidd and Samantha Pawluczyk

Topic: 1

At West Chester University, the campus is divided into two major sections, academic and residential. This style of campus can be very effective as to how students and professors interact and learn from one another. If West Chester was redesigned, adding multipurpose buildings and mandating on campus living for both students and professors would make the overall experience more beneficial.


“The teacher teaches and the students are taught;”

“The teacher chooses and enforces his choice, and the students comply;”

Author: Samantha Pawluczyk

9:00 AM

4 thoughts on “Updated”

  1. I definitely agree with the idea of having the classes and dorms together, it would help students not procrastinate and make it is easier on them. I would pick two new quotes that pertain to the topic and a couple more reasons why you believe your topic is important to you. In conclusion, I think your thesis is very strong!

  2. I think this is a good topic about space being used in west chester. Multipurpose buildings are great, as we see in Brandywines first floor. I liked your thesis, but I believe the quotes don’t really work that well for your topic . Besides the quotes I think you’re on a good path.

  3. I think that having a multi-purpose building for teachers to engage and learn is an awesome idea. I Think your thesis was good, I think it could be even better explaining a bit more about the benefits of having a multi-purpose building. I also think your quotes could be tweaked a little bit to add some more clarification to your thesis.

  4. I really like the idea about having multipurpose building to get better interactions between students and faculty along with the idea of mandated on campus living for students and professors. I’m very interested in where you will take this with your ideas.

    However I’m not sure how well the quotes you chose will fit in with this idea. I am having trouble tying them to the ideas that you have presented. I feel like a quote further into the reading could work better because that area reinforces the student teacher relationship more.

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