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Response to Dana Roeder’s “Paulo Freire Discussion” – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Dana Roeder’s “Paulo Freire Discussion”

During our meeting we discussed the topic of students being the “depositories” and I believe it depends on the circumstances. Certain types of education and teaching can very easily do well for a student. Many students benefit from hands on teaching and experiences. Doing experiments or just being more involved in a lesson are proven to be much more helpful for those learning. Other types such as lectures or reading out of a textbook may not be as beneficial to pupils in a class. Students sit in a classroom and are told information more often than not and are expected to memorize from a book or notes which not always the best way to learn. The student is left out to dry while the teacher spews information for them to keep. Paulo Freire points out an important fact within this piece that should be understood by teachers and professors around the globe; students cannot be held to an expectation to understand information when it is just thrown at them.

Author: Nicholas Nolan

