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Response to Olivia Vearling – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Olivia Vearling

David Macmullen

Makayla Medycki

Sam Livornl


Gwen Jordan

Maura Kelly

Oliva vearling

Seamus Corkery


Lauren Mcgary

Hailey Clark

I disagree with this statement because I feel that students do know information on what the teachers know also. I feel that the teachers try and just make us memorize everything and I feel that that’s why people say teachers know everything because they just tell us information without us understanding it. I also disagree with this because the students could actually teach the teachers something because they may have knowledge on the topic. The student could help the class out because I feel when a teacher talks for too long the students will not listen as much. When the kids in the class start talking I feel it gets the students more engaged to the conversation. The different styles of teaching could help because the students would rather not sit through a lecture all day. Once a student says something I feel like another student would want to say something too join the conversation and it could help with learning.

Author: Jeffrey Biancaniello

