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Response to Caitlin Mangini – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Caitlin Mangini

group: Amanda Regan, Srarah veneziale, Meghan kidd, Seamus Corkery, Sabrina lindeley, Haley Clark, Ava Hill

Response: In today’s discussion we talked about how students are supposed to just obtain all the information teachers give them like a robot without even processing the content. People can agree with this because teachers expect you to know the answer right away and they will randomly call you out and put you on the spot to answer anything they ask. Teachers read from power points and except the students to just know everything and memorize everything that was put on the screen. They dont take the time to explain it and make the students understand fully. Students then most likely feel stressed because they have to learn all the material in order to pass tests. People could also disagree with this because the teachers expect you to make the most out of what they tell you in class so its up to you what you want to gain from it. When teachers lecture at you it is up to you to re teach yourself the material and make sure you understand what is going on.

Author: Olivia Vearling

9:00 AM
