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Weekly Writing & Blogs

Group members: Leann Carroll and Katherine Sola 

Leader: Sam Weitzel

In Walker Percy’s writing, “The Loss of the Creature”, he asks “How does one see the thing better when the others are absent?”. In our group we discussed this question in depth and found that some people could focus and or learn material easier if it is in a small group. We thought that by having fewer people in class it would give others who don’t necessarily speak in large groups would participate more knowing that not many people would be listening to their ideas other than the teacher. Personally when it’s a small group I am much more comfortable to ask questions to my professor and I engage more in the topics, whereas when I am in front of large lectures I usually don’t pay attention very much or engage at all. This group discussion was very beneficial as it brought up many great conversations in our group and allowed us to connect on this topic.

Author: Katherine Sola

