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Response to Amanda Jiang – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Amanda Jiang

In this discussion group, we started with the idea of how social media impacts people’s lives. We all immediately agreed that social media negatively affects people. People only post things online that they believe other people will like or that will make them seem cool. For example, when people are at parties they are always posting videos that look like they are having fun, but sometimes that person might not even be a party person, but they just want to seem cool to their peers. One member of the discussion said, “social media distorts reality.” Which we all could agree with. You never see someone’s true self by looking at their social media page. We also discussed how all the fun and excitement of a new experience is taken away because all people can think about is taking pictures or what their friends and followers are gonna think on social media. This related to Percy’s ideas in “The Loss of the Creature.” People no longer even realize that when they see something amazing, they immediately are reaching for their phone.






Author: Laura McGroary

9:00 AM
