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Responce to Julia D – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Responce to Julia D

Mia Citerone

Julia Digiorgio

Ava Hill

In our discussion, we analyzed the topic that an educator cannot save learning. Percy describes how teachers cannot teach you anything. It is all up to the student. Teachers are there to push you along whereas they cannot force you to learn or retain information. That is up to the student. Freire also hits on this point when he says no one teaches another. Students and people learn through experience. They need to be engaged by these experiences to get the full learning experience to be what they imagined. Balance is important through this because not only does it allow students to learn how they want, but also what they want. Percy talks about how preconceived ideas of learning can have a negative impact on the information they retain. The students have. To go out and learn for themselves. This is why the educator cannot save learning. The student has to do their part as well.

Author: Emily Foley

9:00 AM
