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Response to Bella DiPasquale – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Bella DiPasquale

group members: maura, qwen, david, julia, emily, amanda, ava, mia, john, mikayla

In our discussion we talked about how people are able to learn effectively and what is not effective for learning. Freire talks about how people cannot learn in an environment where a teacher is just lecturing at the students. Freire says one cannot teach someone else and you cannot teach yourself. We discussed how people can not formulate knowledge and you can only learn by communicating with two or more people. In order to learn you have to engage in conversation to get something out of it. You learn by talking out loud and obtaining the information you are saying yourself. You in a way teach yourself by having intelligent conversations with other people. You can also solve your own problems by just talking out loud to another person and hearing yourself talk. By listening to your self talk you also give yourself advise and essentially solve your problems yourself. Overall people cannot be taught by having information jammed into there head without even saying a word abt the information.

Author: Olivia Vearling

9:00 AM
