Brandon, Gabe, Sara, Cait, Seamus, Haley, David, Sam, Amanda, Katherine
In our discussion group today we talked about how Freire thinks people learn and if we agree or disagree. We agreed that throughout Freire’s article he contradicts himself many times in his writing. He explains that to be taught you must learn from yourself and dig deep into things to actually learn from yourself. By what Freire says I think he means, to learn something you must understand it deeply enough that you can teach it to someone else so that you can fully take it in and understand it yourself. I do not agree with him. I believe that people can learn from each other. From face to face interaction and communication with somebody else. During our discussion we also talked about housing on and off campus, just because it came up. Many of us are looking for apartments next year, but they are very expensive so we will see where everybody ends up.