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Response to Olivia Vearling – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Olivia Vearling

In today’s discussion my group talked about the article, “Banking Concepts of Education” by Paulo Freire. We had discussed whether or not we agreed with the statement that teachers know everything, and the students know nothing. As a group we discussed that teachers should stop having the students memorizing information, and instead have them retain it. The teachers think that having the students repeat information will make them know it, and in most cases that is correct, but they don’t know how to apply the information. We also brought up the fact that the author made it seem like an oppressed society. He painted the picture as the teacher being the tyrant and the students are like the slaves. For example, the students lack creativity because they are unable to learn the way they want because the teacher has all the power. Teachers lecture because it is easier to get information across rather than engaging the students because it is less work for them. In conclusion, the banking concept has students only learn from repetition, and does not teach the students the right information. Discussion included: Jeff Biancaniello,David Macmullen,Sam Livorno,Amanda Regan,Gwen Jordan ,Maura Kelly,Caitlin Mangini,Seamus Corkery ,Luara Mcgroary,Hailey Clark 

Author: Makayla Medycki

9:00 AM
