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topic proposal – Weekly Writing & Blogs

topic proposal

Freire’s analysis of education argues that in order for students to be able to learn, they must take control of their own education without help from teachers. I believe the students at WCU have a lot of power over their education, but in different ways, can achieve their own emancipation.

One way is through FYE. If students stop showing up to FYE they cannot fail everyone. We won’t show up until there is an educational value to this class. Currently it is a waste of time and more educational for the professors who will continue to teach it in the future.

         Connection to Freire- Freire says Teachers aren’t teaching to the level that students need, but instead they teach to/for themselves (p1, par6)

Another way is by not showing up to certain Gen eds. As students we are forced to take general education classes that usually have no relation to their major.

         Connection to Freire- Students are being taught things that they are not involved in and don’t care about (list p 1 h. )

Author: Madison Barker

9:00 AM

2 thoughts on “topic proposal”

  1. Samantha Weitzel, Leann Carroll, Katherine Sola

    Positive: We agree that at West Chester students control the power of their education and how they succeed.

    Positive: We also agree that you can’t expect the teachers to change you must adapt to their teaching styles, and teach yourself how to understand information in a different way.

    Constructive Critism: How will you explain how students have power over their education in your project?

  2. constructive criticism:
    I think this topic is good; however, you need to go more in depth to how students control their power to achieve emancipation. Basically, think about what students should do to overall achieve their freedom in the classroom in ways that the teacher doesn’t limit them. Students are their only motivator.

    positive reinforcement:
    Ideas are clear, just need to be described in more detail of in what ways can students achieve their own emancipation.

    Proposal feedback
    thesis: needs to include what ways students achieve the emancipation.
    the topic: Good and concise
    the use of Freire: now think where these quotes can be used to support the ways students can achieve their own emancipation or describe how Freire supports or doesn’t support said ideas

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