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Writing project #1 – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Writing project #1

Team members: Mackenzie Neiderer & Jenna Schreiber

Topic: #1 space at WCU

Thesis: West Chester University’s space affects how students learn and socialize. The University can be improved by changing classroom space, changing the space of campus, and changing the generational space between students and professors.


“Liberating education consists in acts of cognition, not transferrals of information. It is a learning situation in which
the cognizable object (far from being the end of the cognitive act) intermediates the cognitive actors—teacher on the one
hand and students on the other.” Page:4

“It follows logically from the banking notion of consciousness that the educator’s role is to regulate the way the world “enters into” the students.” page 3

Author: Mackenzie Neiderer

9:00 AM
