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Response to Ava Hill – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Ava Hill

In this discussion we talked about memorization and how it is not equivalent to learning and understanding information. We all recalled that in high school after taking a quiz or test we forgot the information. In the conversation it came up that high school is generally the same academic path for everyone and it is usually free; whereas, in college the material that you study is customized to what you want to learn, and you are paying for your education. This can be a motivating factor as to why it makes information more important to understand than memorize. We talked about how high school teachers know certain things are required but pointless so its okay if students only memorize it temporarily. Memorization can help a student in the short run but not in the long run. Certain jobs in the real world require memorization such as nurses for example; however, they must learn and understand how to use them for them to be useful and be permanently memorized.

Ava H, RJ W, TJ F, Kira A, Sam W, Katherine S

Author: Lauren Beccaria

