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Response to Mia Citerone – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Mia Citerone

In our discussion group today we talked about how Freire thinks students are trash. Basically he says that we only memorize certain information that we need to know for a test or exam. But we might not understand the concept completely and that might cause the students to forget the information in the long run. We talked about how maybe it would be a good idea that teachers go more in depth with what they are teaching and spend more time on it. This is so we don’t have to study and basically teach our selves the information we need to know. Because there Is a reason we have teachers they know the information a lot more than a student and can teach it better. This is why students can get an A in a class but not be that smart on a subject. They can get certain multiple choice testing information right but they might not get the whole concept.

Group: Mimi, Mia, Ethan, Emily, John, Leanne

Author: Brandon Zahal

