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Juliana Beristain – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Review/ Draft 1

Dana Roeder

Percy: I like how your connection from Percy, are very well introduce to your paragraphs.

Constructive: You should develop your thesis and try to look for other ideas besides of focusing more of how school helps to students. I think that there’s other ways in the exterior that could be good using for this examples, try to connect those…

Praise: I like the Idea of study abroad, I think that goes perfectly with Percy’s ideas and he refers to.

Review/ Draft 1

Ethan Stein

Constructive: You should add a introduction sentence in the beginning of your first paragraph. I think you should connect the problem with your thesis.

Percy: I believe that your connection with Percy’s ideas are very well develop in your paragraphs, the way you support them are very well explain.

Praise: So far I like how you are connecting your ideas with Percy’s ideas, you are using good examples from it.

Peer review topic proposal

Emily Strassner

Praise: I like how the quotes connect with the idea of indirect education is necessary for students in order to create critical thinking.

Constructive: I understand your idea, but you should add more about how unrelated courses are necessary for students and how it could impact their education in their major.

Percy: Your quotes and ideas, support Percy ideas on how symbolic complex break the idea of students to learn something for themselves.

Peer Review topic proposal

Laura McGroary

Praise: Your ideas in your thesis and quotes connect with what your try to explain.

Percy: Your thesis is very well connect to Percy’s ideas. This quote goes very well with how students have a precoincived ideas of what they will learn.

Constructive: You introduce very well the problem students have in WCU, you should complete in your thesis how the problem at WCU could be solve.

Disccusion Group 10/25

Leader: Gabby

Participants:Jason, David, Robbie, Jake H, Jenna, Christian, Jake D, Kenzie, Sabrina

In this group discussion we talked about how everyone taking the beaten track or the shortcut does not make it short anymore. Some of the benefit of not taking the beaten shortcut, its that you can have a different and unique experience, besides, everyone learn and have different capabilities, you will be able to develop your own track than the typical track that most people take. But also the experience of taking the shortcut does not gives you the full experience of learning. something complex. When people take shortcuts they do not give enough attention and gives interest in something that could be beneficial for they own learning, because the goal is to finish quick, and leaves apart the side of learning. For people who take the shortcut, do not let them to be open minded and enhance their learning capabilities. From taking shortcuts, people stops listening others opinions and ideas, that will help them to be more creative in order to complete the shortcut, instead of the long path. What Percy does, it to make people realize and make the difference and how our own ideas prevent us, from getting a full experience of learning something.

Discussion for week 10/14

Leader: Juliana Beristain

Topic: In this discussion we will talk about the idea that Percy have on how people can learn from experiences that are driven by pure personal desire and not experiences already predetermined by experts.

Date: Friday 10/18 @ 10:00 am

Location: Tables outside of Sykes

Draft for topic 4

Working on tittle

Paulo ideas difference the banking concept of education and the problem posing. The banking concept of education describes how students relied on the way of teaching of a docent, were students only store the information that was taught. The problem posing education makes students to take initiative by themselves in order to develop their own learning. Basically what Freire concludes with  is that problem posing education is better than the banking education concept. In West Chester University students are supposed to take mandatory courses in order to complete their major. Most of those courses had been already taken in high school and most of the students did not have any interest in them, but to pass in order to graduate. Now in West Chester University one of the mandatory courses for my major is HIS 100, (Contemporary Global History). My purpose in this essay is to analyze and implement some strategies that applies to Freire’s ideas model of learning on this course.

Students must have an interest and reflect initiative to practice those concepts they have learned in order to truly learn. For most business major,  HIS 100 is a mandatory courses students have to take in order to complete their requirements. The idea of HIS 100 is to have an understanding of major events and themes of the 20th Century and how they shaped the contemporary world. In my opinion, I don’t really have an interest to learn something that is not related to my career and also if the teacher does not make intuitive for students in order for them to show some interest. Students who take HIS 100, have to buy a book that is required for class. Also this class is scheduled for two days a week, and one hour thirty minutes long. The teacher starts his class by talking about multiple and chronological events while students are only taking notes and listening until class ends, where students are only storing the given information from the teacher and don’t have interactions with others to develop what they are learning in class. 

One of Freire’s main ideas is that teachers must have the ability to engage students in class and make it more interesting for them. It’s not only teachers job to make students succeed in their learning, but students also will put in practice what they learned in class if they have already congruent ideas from their lessons in order to develop them outside of class. As Freire said, “The role of the problem posing is to create, together with the students,” (Freire Pg. 4) in order to improve the learning for students in HIS 100. Since the class is one hour and thirty minutes long, the teacher should break this time in half, while students must be focus during 45 min, they can discuss what the teacher just taught  and compare them with relevant events from the actual world. 

Also those students who are involved in HIS 100 class do not have enough help from the teacher in case they need help outside of class. Courses at West Chester University have most of their content in D2L and notes from the class if clarification is needed. In HIS 100 class, students don’t have extra activities in order to practice or analyze concepts that had been taught. What it would be helpful for students is this extras activities that I just mentioned and could be incorporated into class.

Writing Project 1

Topic: 2 
Team: Myself 

Thesis: Freire’s idea in “The Banking Concept of Education” is that teachers do not produce students learning, but can occur when students take action in order to make their own learning success by their own. Most of the students at WCU have the power to control and make their own choices, the job as a student is to develop those choices in to society in order to have success in their own learning.

Quote 1: “ Education as the practice of freedom- as opposed of education as the practice of domination- denies that man is abstract, isolated independent and attaches to the world; but it also denies that the world exists as a reality apart from people” (Freire’s pg 4)

Quote 2: “The world- no longer  something to be described with deceptive words- becomes the object of that transforming action by men and women which results in their humanization.” ( Freire’s pg 6)

Response to Jason Riberio

In our group we talk about the difference of banking education and the problem that teachers work on specific topics. We lead that banking concept is a waste of time for students in order to learn and that sometimes this leads them to don’t get a good job they had been working all the time in college. We also talk about that students should choose their classes in order for them to learn, in order to graduate and a field that a student have pick, there is so many additional classes that most of the students don’t feel is necessary.The problem focuses more in students critical thinking and is that teachers have to make students engage in order for them to learn. Even though that everybody thinks they learn on class, the true is that students don’t feel engage, and they don’t have the desire to practice it by their own, and they end up failing and not learning. The problem posting method is better than the banking concept.

Group: Jason R, Lia S, Timothy D , Riley B, Maddie B, Ruthie L, Jake H, Sean R, Nick P, Christian J , Michael R ,Jake D , Gabby L.

Response to Jake Heikkinin

In our discussion we talk about the differences between the believe of a good teacher, and bad teacher. Most 0f the time the failure of a student, is responsibility of the teacher. But what really is for students the meaning of learning from a good teacher.When teachers connect with their students and engaged with them, it makes more easy for a class to flow and have students connect on what the teacher is talking about, a good teacher makes their students to visualize what they are learning and give examples of their own in order to maker sure the students understand what he wants the student to get. In my opinion I feel supported by my teachers when they have available office hours for students in case I did not understand something on class, or if I need help for projects or assignments.Most of good teachers care about what they do in class and why they are doing it so their students get independent in order to learn their material. We also talk about what are the characteristics of a bad teacher. When teachers are not patient with their students, they only teach what they have to teach in order to get paid, they expect students to learn their method of teaching in order to learn, they look ways that are easy to them in order to teach but not for students in order to learn, they embarrasses their students in class making them feel less. This connects to Freire in most of his ideas of a bad teacher, teachers expect students to learn the way they teach, and students do not receive the enough help they need.

Group: Makayla Medycki, Emily Foley, Julia Digiogio, Michael Lindholn, Gwen Jordan, Maura Kelly
