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October 2019 – Page 12 – Weekly Writing & Blogs

Response to Amanda Regan

Group members : Maura, Nick, Liv, Seamus

Today in our discussion group we talked about Percy’s question “Is looking like sucking: the more lookers, the less there is to see?” We thought about it and discussed the meaning of the point that Percy is trying to get across. We discussed how the more people there are the less opportunity you have. As in if there as a lot of people trying to get a job the less opportunity there is to get that job. We also discussed how the more you look the less you have to value something and the less it will be apriciated. The more you look at something the less you are looking at something else, you can be missing out on something so incredible or a opportunity that you are not even looking at. The little things mean a lot and if your wasting your time looking at one thing you can be missing out on something even better. 

Reply to Makayla Medycki

On Thursday, October 17, Makayla and I discussed what changes an experience for someone. There was a misunderstanding in where the discussion was so this group met in two different groups. Therefore, this discussion was only Makayla and I.

Makayla and I talked about how experiences can be altered greatly by the way you view the experience. If one enters an experience behind a camera or while staring at their phone, they will never get the same experience as someone who actually experiences it. For example, some people will go to a tourist attraction such as NYC and walk around taking pictures and will not once look up from their phone or camera. An experience behind a camera is not nearly the same as truly being there mentally to experience something.

We also said that some people will walk into an experience with expectations of what their experience should be like. These expectations greatly alter your actual experience because it changes your mindset and if the actual experience is not the same as the expectations, one may be greatly dissatisfied with the experience. If they did not previously have these expectations though, this dissatisfaction would have never been a problem.

We also said that by taking your own path and through experiencing what others normally do not, you are allowing yourself to truly experience something. We decided that along with this, simple things such as positive or negative attitude, and uncontrollable things such as those that surround you, the weather, etc. also affect your experience greatly. In conclusion, we said that phones and cameras, expectations, new experiences, attitude, and external uncontrollable variables affect an experience.

response to Amanda

People: Julia, Olivia, Seamus, Nick

Leader: Amanda

Percy was talking about that if there are more people then there is nothing else to look at. The more you look at something the less value you get out something. If you have a idea of what something is before going you will expect to see what you have seen before. You need to keep a open mind before going to somewhere new. Going into something with a expectation will ruin your experience because you will have a mindset already. You also need to not look at the view through a screen. People always spend so much time taking pictures of different scenes  rather than just taking in the view. You need to live in the moment and not worry about taking a picture of the view that you are looking at. Enjoying it with the people you are with also plays a role in living in the moment.

Response to Amanda Regan

group members: Maura, Julia, Seamus, Nick

Response: In todays discussion we talked about how Walker Percy said something along the lines of, looking is like sucking and the more lookers there are the less we will see. We discussed how if more people were to see something the less value that something would have and the less it will be appreciated. The person who first discovers something will have a different view on it then everyone who sees it after them. The first person who sees something gets to interpret it in their own way. Everyone else who sees it after, has an image already in their head of its supposed to look like and be like. The first time something is discovered it is like the raw reaction to it. After that, that something gets associated with things and your kind of forced to view it just like everyone else does.

Response to Amanda Regan

By Seamus Corkery

Group Members- Amanda Regan, Julia, Maura, Liv, and Nick

Today in our discussion group we discussed Percy’s question “Is looking like sucking: the more lookers, the less there is to see?” What he means by this is that when you don’t follow your own path and go on a journey to call your own, you won’t enjoy the final product as much as if you were to have your own journey. This is why so many people are let down when they travel for so long to see something that they thought would bring them joy. Instead of giving the looker joy, it ends up making them feel let down. To really be impressed by something, you have to go on your own journey and have lower expectations of what everyone else has. When you are not expecting as much, that is when you are impressed most by something, not when you set your expectations so high. This is the key point that our group made in today’s discussion group, to make your own path.

Percy Discussion Group

Participants: Kenzie Neiderer, Haley Myers, David MacMullen

Leader: Makaya Medycki did not show

In this discussion group we responded to the prompt of what could change an experience for someone based on Percy’s The Loss of the Creature. Percy uses the example of the Grand Canyon to explain that seeing a landmark is the best for the first person who sees it. For those who see postcards and tourist books of a landmark, form a preconceived idea of what it will look like, therefore not making it a good experience when they see it for the first time. Having background information on the place will make you create a preformed opinion in your head of the place you are going to see. He also says that the experience is the best for the first person who discovered the Canyon because they did not go with a tourist guide, where you can only take a certain path. The first person to discover a place can go off the beaten track and get the most out of the experience. The location of where you live also affects your experience of seeing a landmark, because if you see something everyday, it will not be as great as someone who sees it for the first time. Percy also stresses that the problem with seeing is not other people or the world, the problem is inside the seers mind.

Discussion for week of 10/14

Leader: John Camperson 

Topic: In “The Loss of the Creature” by Walker Percy, he mentions how “the present is surrendered to the past and the future” (Percy 1). In this discussion group we are going to discuss what he means by this, as well as what he means by there being no present.  

Date: Friday @ 10 am 

Location: Tables outside of Lawrence

Discussion Group Week of 10/14

Leader: Muhammad Rabi

Topic: In the reading, The Loss of the Creature, Percy talked about everyone taking the beaten track/shortcut which does not make it short anymore. In this discussion group, we will be talking about the benefits of not taking the shortcut and other’s opinions if people should take the shortcut or not.

Location: Main Hall 300 Friday @10am

Discussion Group week of 10/14

Discussion leader: Jeff Biancaniello

Topic: We will be discussing Percy’s statement ” No, but it means that the student should know what he has on his hands to rescue the specimen from the educational package”. We will be discussing what he means by talking about getting your hands on the educational package.

Date 10/17 @ 8 am

Location: Sykes couches on the right side once you walk in

Discussion week 10/14

In “The Loss of the Creature” by Walker Percy, he talked about how our experience gets influenced by media and how we are not in the moment.  In this discussion group we will talk about if you agree or disagree that social media has impacted our reputation. Social media can act as an individuals daily life, which could lead to manipulation of that certain platform. The constant need for perfection is one way a person feels the need to announce their whereabouts. 

Location: First floor of Sykes. Meet in front of Eco Grounds.

Date: Friday 10/18 @2pm

Discussion Group Week of 10/14

In The Loss of the Creature, Percy Walker presents multiple ways to “recover” a natural beauty such as the Grand Canyon, but is it even possible to have another view of a place, to leave the beaten track after even a single idea or viewpoint is presented?

Time: 1 P.M. on Thursday 10/17

Location: Tables outside of Lawrence

Discussion for week 10/14

Leader: Juliana Beristain

Topic: In this discussion we will talk about the idea that Percy have on how people can learn from experiences that are driven by pure personal desire and not experiences already predetermined by experts.

Date: Friday 10/18 @ 10:00 am

Location: Tables outside of Sykes

Discussion group 10/14

Leader: Leah Schreffler

Topic: This discussion group will talk about our own experiences of travel. We will discuss if traveling is for one’s personal pleasure or a way to flaunt to others. Do people have standards when it comes to traveling? It is better to go to a location that you are not familiar with? Percy’s makes us question if our experience lives up to its biggest potential when we see other people’s experiences first.

Location: Friday 10/18 @ 2 pm at tables outside of university hall

Leadership week of 10/14

Percy talks about how views and experiences get altered by media and preconception. “The thing is no longer the thing as it confronted the Spaniard; it is rather that which has already been formulated—by picture postcard, geography book, tourist folders, and the words Grand Canyon.” (Percy). Are we really getting a new experience or one that has already been planted in our mind?

Location: Tables outside of University Hall

Time: Friday, 10:00 am

Leadership Week 10/14

Leader: TJ Fitzpatrick

In this discussion group we will be discussing whether the creation and use of technology better supports or debunks Walker Percys belief that seeing something is less interesting and great then the first person to see it. We will also discuss whether it affects seeing it in person opposed to seeing it on a screen.

When Thursday October 17th at 3:15 PM. (Ill be running 5 minutes late my class is running longer today)

Where The tables outside Lawrence.

The Bigger Picture

This discussion group is going to discuss Percy’s idea of how one is not in the moment at all times. When exploring new places and parts of the world, are people fully taking in the site ahead or are they worrying about getting pictures to flaunt in front of their friends?

Location: Quad outside of University Hall

Date: October 19, 2019

Time: 9:00am

week 10/14 discussion group

Leader: Kyle Owens

In The Loss of the Creature by Walker Percy a theory is stated. The theory emphasizes that being the first to discover something holds much more value because no one else has yet discovered it. The theory continues to state if one is first to discover something they are experiencing the “whole value” whereas when one is experiencing something a million people have seen before they are only experiencing 1/1,000,000 of the total value. Do you agree with these statements? Why, or why not? Has anyone experienced events similar to what Walker Percy is referencing in the essay?

Time: 10:00 Friday 10/18 Main Hall 300
